

  • 公司客戶資料、產品設計被人用USB手指抄走、財務資料被人惡意篡改、員工成為您日後的競爭對手…
  • 員工濫用電腦、上班時間沉迷網絡遊戲、瀏覽與工作無關的網站、玩MSN、收發私人信件…
  • 電腦太多、IT管理人分身乏術、每天在資產管理、系統維護上花費大量時間和精力…

已超過 10000 個不同機機構使用我們的「企業訊息監管軟件」如香港政府庫房。


  1. 文件管理:記錄所有文件的建立、存取、複製、移動及刪除詳情;
  2. 列印管理:記錄列印者及列印檔案名稱;禁止使用者從某些軟件列印文件;
  3. 外部裝置管理:禁用軟碟機、燒碟機、USB抽取儲存裝置、串聯埠、並聯埠、數據機、USB接口、藍牙、紅外線等通訊裝置;通過自動地對儲存的檔案進行加密,可大大提高檔案安全防護的級別,員工只有在授權的環境中才能打開檔案。即使檔案被洩漏出去,也無法讀取;
  4. 禁止員工通過電郵、FTP、P2P軟件、即時通訊工具等傳送檔案;
  5. 應用軟件監控:紀錄並有效地統計軟件的使用率,從而節省軟件牌照數量;
  6. 網站瀏覽管控:詳細紀錄員工瀏覽的網址;
  7. 郵件內容監控:記錄所有發送和接收郵件的詳細內容及附件;
  8. 即時通訊監控:監控各種即時通訊工具 (MSN, ICQ, QQ等)的聊天內容,以及通過其傳遞的檔案;
  9. 螢幕監控:實時查看電腦的螢幕活動畫面;
  10. 網絡流量和端口控制:限制員工玩網絡遊戲、觀看電影、聊天、BT下載及外發資料;
  11. 資產管理:記錄每台電腦的硬件設備的異動、軟件的安裝和卸載,並能對異動情況及時警報;自動蒐集硬件設備,統計軟件資產,節省牌照數量;
  12. 遠端維護:管理員可遠端查看電腦的實時信息,解決遠端電腦的故障。

How can you know your staff is going to resign?

Do you have such worry?

  • Play games, Trade Stocks, Chat Online
  • Browse Web Pages, Print Personal Stuffs
  • Online Movies, Radio
  • Download Music
  • Use USB disk to copy all company data
  • Cannot Troubleshoot Remote Computer
  • Cannot Track Computer Assets Changes
  • Administrator Faces Heavy Workload

Different modules suit for different corporations needs:

  1. Document Operation Management: Record document operations including create, access, Edit, Copy, Move and Delete.
  2. Printing Management: Record information on printing application, printer, user and document name; Block Illegal application from printing.
  3. Device Management: Control usage of storage, e.g. Floppy, CD, USB, Movable storage, Memory card; Control data transfer to external ports or devices, e.g. Serial port, Parallel port, MODEM, Infrared, Bluetooth, Direct connection, Dialup.
  4. Network Management: Eliminate the use of specific port and communicate with unauthorized computers.
  5. Application Management: Record application startup and shut down.
  6. Website Management: Record website URL and title in detail.
  7. Mail Management: Record normal email, webmail, exchange, and Lotus Notes mail.
  8. Instant Message Management: Record full content of the IM session.
  9. Screen Snapshots: View agent screen in real time.
  10. Bandwidth Management: Show network traffic statistic by IP, by ports and in specific time zone.
  11. Asset Management: Record completed hardware and software information.
  12. Remote Maintenance: View agents’ system messages in real time; Remote diagnostic agent’s problems and check system status


Rm A1, 7/F Chou Chong Commerial Bldg., 422-428 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kln., HK.
Tel: 27414322 Website: http://www.smarkglobal.com
Email: info@smarkglobal.com